Managerial Communication Strategies and Practice(ppt)

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Managerial Communication Strategies and Practice(ppt)

Preliminary Case
Professor He Jiaqing’s narrow escape in his assisting the poor in Southwest China
Training Programs
Understanding communication process
Sender strategy
Receiver strategy
Message strategy
Channel strategy
Culture strategy
Basic Forms of Communication
The Process of Communication
Sender-Encoder Strategy
What are your objectives?
What communication style do you choose?
What is your credibility?
What are your objectives?
General Objective
Action Objective
Communication Objective

What is your credibility?
Initial credibility
Acquired credibility
Factors Affecting Your Credibility?
Shared values
Receiver-Decoder Strategy
Who are they?
What do they know?
What do they feel?
How can you motive them?
Who are they?
Who should be included in your audience?
How can you find out about your audience?
What do they know?
Background information
New information
Expectations and preferences
What do they feel?
Interest level
Attitudes toward your information
Acceptability for the audience
How can you motive them?
Motivate through audience benefits
Motivate through credibility
Motivate through message structure
Message Strategy
How can you emphasize?
How can you organize a strategic message?
How can you emphasize?
Direct approach
Indirect approach
How can you organize a strategic message?
Channel and Medium Strategy
Writing or speaking?
Formal or informal?
Internal or external?
Individual or group?
Immediate response/Control over message being received?

Privacy or not?
High audience participation or not?
Audience in same place or not?
Culture Strategy
Communicator strategy
Audience strategy
Message strategy
Channel strategy
Other considerations

Visit the following internet sites for further information about communication strategies.
Case Study
Viagra’s frustrating trip to China

Managerial Communication Strategies and Practice(ppt)


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